Guns And Roses September 6 Episode

Regina "Reign" Santana (Bea Alonzo) is pretending to like Agent Marcus Aguilar (Diether Ocampo). Reign is pretending for her to keep an eye on what are the things that Agent Marcus is going to do. Reign didn't know that Agent Marcus almost captured Abelardo "Abel" Marasigan (Robin Padilla) at the psychiatric hospital. Agent Marcus failed to capture Abel at the psychiatric hospital wherein Abel went to see his father - Jose "Peping" Marasigan (Nanding Josef) there. Later on, Agent Marcus invited Reign for a date for them to spend some time with each other. Reign didn't hesitate in going out with Marcus since it is the only way where she can keep an eye on Marcus. Reign doesn't believe all the things that Marcus is saying against Abel. Reign is believing that Abel has nothing to do with Paolo's (Jake Cuenca) death. Reign also believed that Abel is not the one who killed Marcus' mother - Director General Aretha Aguilar (Pinky Amador). Reign knows that Marcus is only trying to destroy Abel in the eyes of Reign for him to finally get Reign's love and attention. At the restaurant where Marcus and Reign is dating, Reign is trying to let Marcus believe that she is trusting him. Reign then went to the comfort room where suddenly Abel grabbed her to talk. Reign is surprised and very happy seeing Abel back again because of her trust and love towards him. Reign then told Abel that he must not see her with Marcus around because his life might be in danger. Abel then told Reign that he is not afraid of Marcus and he is not a threat to Abel's mission of cleaning his name for Reign. Abel then told Reign that he is doing his best to finally complete his mission for him to have a clean name already. Reign then told Abel that she is always willing to wait for the time that Abel can finally have a clean name. After their conversation, Reign then went back to Marcus wherein Marcus wondered why she was too long. Will Marcus ever speculate that maybe Reign is doing something wrong?
Watch more of Guns And Roses Sept 06, 2011 episode replay below.





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